Wednesday, September 19, 2012

trip home

Sorry for the long absence; life has been pretty crazy.  I've been working really hard so that I could take a week off and go home.  I had a great time!  Here are some pics!

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Loot!

Crowning glory: the label says it all and the price tag was $14!!!! 

 A thrifting expedition and some gifting yielded fruitful results!  This gorgeous shirt looked awesome with my jeans and will look fabulous with my purple and black pencil skirts!
 As the detail shows, I also got the bodacious scarf from Coach!  Best part... $8!

The pretty floral blouse to the left was gifted!
 The scarf to the right is a lovely %100 Italian silk scarf bought at a consignment shop for $8.
 The two long, narrow scarves to the left are silky and bright!  Gifts from my sister!  (And Talbots, lol.)

 This lovely scarf is %100 Italian silk bought at $8!

Two polyester scarves so filmy and floaty... a gift my friend and babysitting client.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Year's To Do List

I refuse to make a New Year's resolution because I never keep them, and I have too many things I want to do.  So this year, I'm making a New Year's To Do List.

*Be more spiritual
*Be more balanced emotionally
*Get healthier (includes: toning, eating, ect.)
*Spend less money on things I don't need
*Spend more time with friends
*Be more adventurous
*Get a better job (instead of working three)
*Write more
*Publish something

Not too bad, eh?  I have a whole year in which to accomplish these things.  I hope I can do it.  I need to do these things.

What are your resolutions/to-do lists?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Photo shoot with Carey

A while back, my friend Carey tapped me for a portrait photography class he's taking.  He wanted me to be his subject.  Tomorrow, we're making it happen.  He wants to shoot me outdoors in knitwear.  We're going for the whimsical-girl-next-door fresh-faced look.  Here are some ideas of what I'll be wearing: 

This last one is different because we may also experiment with a darker fae look for some shots.  I'll add smokey sparkles around the eyes and a darker lip.
We may also do some indoor shots and I have no clue how that will look!  Excited!