Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Year's To Do List

I refuse to make a New Year's resolution because I never keep them, and I have too many things I want to do.  So this year, I'm making a New Year's To Do List.

*Be more spiritual
*Be more balanced emotionally
*Get healthier (includes: toning, eating, ect.)
*Spend less money on things I don't need
*Spend more time with friends
*Be more adventurous
*Get a better job (instead of working three)
*Write more
*Publish something

Not too bad, eh?  I have a whole year in which to accomplish these things.  I hope I can do it.  I need to do these things.

What are your resolutions/to-do lists?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Photo shoot with Carey

A while back, my friend Carey tapped me for a portrait photography class he's taking.  He wanted me to be his subject.  Tomorrow, we're making it happen.  He wants to shoot me outdoors in knitwear.  We're going for the whimsical-girl-next-door fresh-faced look.  Here are some ideas of what I'll be wearing: 

This last one is different because we may also experiment with a darker fae look for some shots.  I'll add smokey sparkles around the eyes and a darker lip.
We may also do some indoor shots and I have no clue how that will look!  Excited!